Arabian Drilling Company
Arabian Drilling Company (ADC), engaged IAS International to implement a new training, development, competence, and talent management infrastructure, to support their ambitious growth strategy.
The project was completed with ADC increasing their workforce by 43% and doubling the size of their rig fleet size, in line with their growth strategy.
Supported by its new talent development infrastructure and CAMS, ADC also achieved the following continuous improvements:
- Recruited more than 1800 employees in less than 7 months, 43% workforce increase
- Grew 60% in one year expanding fleet to 60 rigs, historic achievement in KSA
- Named most improved drilling contractor in 2018 & 2019 by Saudi Aramco
- Maintained above 73% Saudization rate
- Reduced employee attrition rate to below 8% across all functions
- Reduced employee absenteeism below 6%
- Increased workforce training by 360% in 2018
- Won four consecutive IKTVA King Khalid Gold awards since IAS International have worked with them
- Reduced injury rate in 2018 by 30%
- Reduced injury rate in 2019 by a further 27%
- Reduced lost time rate by 48% in 2018
- Reduced lost time rate by further 34% in 2019